The French Public Higher Schools of Art
Haute école des arts du Rhin | site Mulhouse
In Mulhouse and Strasbourg, the Haute école des arts du Rhin aims to promote an original model of art teaching favoring the porosity and synergy of the arts. It gathers together, over three sites, over 700 students and 150 teachers and proposes 20 degrees and curricula.
Its vocation is to train creators in the domains of the visual arts (art, art-object, design, textile design, set design, graphic communication, illustration, visual didactics) and performers and composers in the musical domain (ancient music, classical music, jazz and improvised music).
DNA option Design
DNA option Design mention design textile
DNSEP option Art
DNSEP option Design
DNSEP option Design mention design textile
research programmes
Espaces sonores / Sound spaces
Bringing together the teams working in the field of sound arts in the HEAR, this programme studies the artistic, cultural and social ramifications of the relationships between sound and space since the advent of modernism, and creates new tools that are both practical and theoretical, so as to better understand, analyze and apprehend them in a critical manner. A first report will be presented as part of the main section of the third issue of TACET, the peer reviewed research publication published by the HEAR in 2014.
Coordination : Yvan ÉTIENNE, Bertrand GAUGUET, Philippe LEPEUT, Joachim MONTESSUIS and Matthieu SALADIN.
Exhibition catalogues, artists books, annual degree catalogue, conference proceedings, lectures (Confer collection), prints and posters.
activities and events
Lectures, workshops, study trips, conferences, professional days.
On-site exhibitions and installations with direct links to the pedagogy at work in the school and its status of experimental research developed around the visual arts (dance, music, cinema, theater, sound, writing).
Internships, experience in a professional context of creation and production.
A programmed quarterly evening of performances during the « Tranches de Quai » week long workshops.
post-curricular or extracurricular activities
Workshops for adult art activities: evening classes in drawing, painting, engraving/ lithography, contemporary art, infography, photography.
international cooperation
Study trips abroad
The HEAR has agreements in place with over 70 foreign schools. These exchanges are open to fourth year students.
Overseas Internships
Though they mainly take place during the fourth year, internships (taking place in the summer) are possible all throughout the curriculum.
Grants and scholarships
Erasmus : 160 €/month for studies and 350 €/month for an internship
The Boussole Grant of the Alsace Region: studies or internships, for a duration of 12 to 35 weeks.
A number of destinations, such as Germany and towns twinned with Strasbourg (Stuttgart, Dresden, Leicester, Boston and Ramat-Gan), giving rise to specific grants.
Postgraduate programmes, overseas residencies
The Department for International Relations accompanies students for different opportunities and assists them in administrative processes after obtaining a DNSEP/Master’s degree.
French as a foreign language
Foreign students wishing to improve their French language skills (written and spoken) have the possibility to follow classes in French as a foreign language with a rhythm of 1 and a half hours per week.
A large hall and two experimental exhibition spaces.
specific equipment
Traditional and multimedia workshops: engraving, lithography, screen printing, painting, photography, set design, volume, computers and infography, SONIC art and sound design / research section dedicated to sound practices, audiovisual editing.
Center of documentation, videotheque.
ANdEA, Versant Est réseau art contemporain Alsace.
administrative team
David Cascaro Directeur
Estelle Pagès Directrice adjointe et directrice des études d’arts plastiques
Pascal Humbert Administrateur général
Frédérique Olland Administratrice site de Mulhouse
Julia Reth Responsable des relations internationales
Annick Kolb Responsable Scolarité Mulhouse
Laurent Doucelance Responsable Communication
Marion Montero Responsable Finances et commande publique
Danièle Palomba Bibliothécaire
Fabien Lerdung Régisseur général
Thierry Ballmer
Vivienne Bateson
Pascal Bichain
Édouard Boyer
Frédéric Dupuis
Yvan Étienne
Ivan Fayard
Bertrand Gauguet
Jean-Pierre Giard
Sébastien Gschwind
Lukas Hartmann
Barrie Hastings
Anne Immelé
Didier Kiefer
Bertrand Lemonnier
Claire Morel
Ken Peat
Florian Sabatier
Matthieu Saladin
Christian Savioz
Jan-Claire Stevens
Yves Tenret
Gwen van den Eijnde
3 quai des Pêcheurs
68200 | Mulhouse
tél. +33 (0)3 69 77 77 20
fax +33 (0)3 89 59 40 43
130 students