The French Public Higher Schools of Art
Ecole supérieure d’art des Pyrénées | Tarbes
The école supérieure d’art des Pyrénées — Pau Tarbes proposes professionalizing training programmes recognized in the European network of higher education.
The art-ceramics training ensures entry into domains connected to the field of culture, to trades relating to the ceramics industry, to the world of art and design. The multimedia graphic design curriculum opens the way to working in the domain of the image – publishing, art, press, multimedia, advertising, institutional communication, internet, video games, motion design, typography, urban development, signage… Creation and innovation are the key words in these curriculums that then open out onto a wide range of professions, certain still remaining to be invented, and the possible overlapping of different disciplinary fields is seen as a source of wealth.
The school has put in place the tools that allow students to cultivate critical distance in the context of their future trade, and to envisage new approaches to the theoretical, esthetic and cultural issues of their discipline. The idea is, while participating fully in the field of research in art and design, to establish and reinforce the connections with other sectors of research in the sciences in general.
Lucioles - École supérieure d'art des Pyrénées — Site de Tarbes
École supérieure d'art des Pyrénées — Site de Tarbes
École supérieure d'art des Pyrénées — Site de Tarbes
École supérieure d'art des Pyrénées — Site de Tarbes
DNSEP option Art
research units
The reinforcing and structuring of a research unit ensures long term research activity in the Pyrénées ESA. The five research programmes supported by the Observatoire research unit are based, firstly, on artistic creation, ceramics, graphic design and multimedia and secondly, on the exploration of other fields of knowledge, from the humanities to the sciences. Its programmes favor the emergence and consolidation of the personal project of future graduate artists and designers of the Pyrénées ÉSA. They aim to create a research environment associating teaching, production and distribution. With this goal in mind they maintain a close dialogue with other research centers that, in the territory or on a national and international level are interested by the themes being considered. An operational, observational laboratory, this unit encourages the confrontation of different approaches to creation, in the perspective of developing an intelligibility from the sensitive and in the sensitive.
activities and events
Sagacious events, projections, lectures, performances (10 to 12 sessions per year); a partnership with the Bel Ordinaire, a space for contemporary art of the greater community of Pau – Pyrénées, the Parvis center for contemporary art of Tarbes-Ibos, with the FRAC collection Aquitaine, the Image-Imatge association, the Accès(s)s de création contemporaine association, the subsidized Espace Pluriels-scène dance-theater, The inter-commune cultural section of the ancient abattoirs, the Centrifugeuse, the cultural department of the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour.
A “beyond the walls” workshop in La Bisbal, Spain, Voyages, exhibitions, various partnerships (art and industry).
post-curricular or extracurricular activities
Amateur classes for children, adolescents and adults, on the Pau and Tarbes sites.
international cooperation
The École supérieure d’art des Pyrénées — Pau Tarbes is naturally turned towards the Iberian peninsula. Numerous student and teacher exchanges have resulted from this proximity. However, connections woven with other countries also enhance the proposed pedagogy. Each year the school increases its international reputation through the development of numerous partnerships with foreign art schools and institutions.
The Pyrénées ÉSA sends and receives term students to and from England and Belgium.
Also, the school hosts 32 foreign students: 1 German, 2 Spanish, 3 Belgian, 1 English, 17 Chinese, 3 Korean (People’s Democratic Republic), 1 Japanese, 1 Algerian, 2 Iranian, 1 Colombian.
Galerie du Globe
12 rue Nicolas Laugier
83 000 Toulon
specific equipment
Painting, volume, engraving, multimedia, CAD, photography, screen printing, video, multi-material workshops (wood, metal).
ANdEA, CUTP-Centre universitaire Tarbes Pyrénées, Pôle européen de la céramique.
administrative team
Jean-Marc Réol Directeur
Michèle Césana Attachée de Direction
Isabelle Fortias Responsable administrative et financière / communication
Cédric Lerible Bibliothécaire
Pierrette Moiteaux Secrétariat pédagogique
Evelyne Vidal Assistante de Direction
Stéphanie Pétralia Secrétariat pédagogique
Anne-Marie Moschetti Comptabilité
Estelle Arnaud Communication et Relations internationales
Marie Adjej
Michel André
Jérome Basserode
Sylvia Bonal
Antoine Boudin
François Coadou
Louis Decque
Ann-Gaël Escudié
Marie-Ange Fernandez
Jean-Michel Fidanza
Véronique Gallian Morée
Fernando Galvez
Rémy Kertinian
Patrick Lacroix
Serge Le Squer
Claude Marro
Michel Massi
Valérie Michel-Faure
Olivier Millagou
Édouard Monnet
Florence Morali
Alain Pontarelli
Julien Raynaud
Jean-Michel Reboul
Nathalie Rodriguez
Ian Simms
Pascal Simonet
Patrick Sirot
Hendrik Sturm
Cédric Teisseire
Solange Triger
Jean-Baptiste Warluzel
168 bd du Commandant-Nicolas
83000 | Toulon
tél. +33 (0)4 94 62 01 48
fax +33 (0)4 94 62 78 80
185 students