The French Public Higher Schools of Art


École supérieure d’art et design TALM | site de Tours


The consolidation of the higher schools of fine arts of Tours, Angers and Le Mans into a Public Institution for Cultural Cooperation (EPCC) appears at first as the accomplishment of a pedagogical reform of which one of the objectives is to join European higher education, with the recognition of its qualifications and in particular the Master’s grade DNSEP qualification. The EPCC operates in a system of exchanges and of valorization of the teachings which facilitates the development of research departments.
The three sites, Tours, Angers and Le Mans, form a single establishment implanted in two regions, three departments and two cities which welcomes 550 students and brings together 105 teachers, artists and theoreticians. It is an associated member of PRES (The Center for Research and Higher Education) UNAM (The University of Nantes, Angers and Le Mans) and of the PRES Center – the University of Val de Loire.
The TALM Esba translates its openness and autonomy into trans-disciplinary practices and has developed, as a complementary mission, art education classes open to all.
The EPCC of the TALM Esba is an establishment for higher education awarding qualifications under the Minister for Culture and is part of the network of French Higher Art Schools.




DNA  option Art
DNA  option Art mention conservation-restauration des oeuvres sculptées
DNSEP  option Art
DNSEP  option Art mention conservation-restauration des oeuvres sculptées

research units

The research platform

Seven research programmes exist and together make up a collaborative research platform whose structure relies both on a Research Unit dealing with independent programmes, and a functional coordination. Two types of programme are developed within this platform: those considered as long term structuring both research, third cycle and initial training, and those considered as short term, lasting between 18 and 24 months.
The research unit groups together long term programmes. It’s operation is ensured by a research co-ordinator whose mission answers to different demands: accompanying the administrative staff and the monitoring of calls for project, valorization, articulation with the 3rd cycle and international development. Both physical and functional, this platform is adapted to research in an art school, as the transfer of an art practice is different to that of knowledge, and the form and temporality of these programmes can vary according to the needs and the options from which they emerge. Essentially the work emanating from the programmes and the research unit is addressed to different professional creative milieus including that of art, which is central. The modes of dissemination that are exhibition, display, demonstration, projection etc… are formally the consequence of the object of research underlying the conditions of social existence of an artistic practice and the issues to be shared.

research programmes

Fabriques de l’art, fabriques de l’histoire (Art factories, History factories)

Scientific manager: Tristan Trémeau, Doctor of Art History, art critic, professor, Epcc Esba TALM – Tours Site, ARBA-ESA in Brussels, Université Paris 1-Sorbonne.
The starting point of this research project, one that immediately raises the hypothesis of joint factories of art and art history, is the situation of a pressing current state of affairs of art practices that, while varied in the mediums used (painting, sculpture, photography, collage, editing, video, performance, installation), still quotes, discusses and articulates the forms, gestures and artistic documents of modernity and the neo avant-gardes, seeming to translate new relationships with the history of art and institutions.
This research is the subject of a partnership agreement between the Esba TALM Epcc, the Grenoble-Valence ESAD, the Cambrai ESA and the Université Paris 1-Sorbonne.

Replace or remake, a work in progress / Production et conservation-restoration of contemporary works of art

Programme Director : Marie-Hélène Breuil
This project intends to question the practice and the deontology of the conservator-restorator when faced with works of contemporary art whose material precariousness implies that all or part of the work is replaced or remade with a view to the exhibition of the work in the maintenance of its function and meaning. The first part of this programme (2012-2013) allowed the study a work of art by Richard Long, White Rock Line, following a request by the Capc Museum of Contemporary Art of Bordeaux, having organized a study day – “White Rock Line, Replace or remake?”, in partnership with the ER[cr]ROS team, on October 11th, 2013.
The goal of this second part is to consider the status of production in the context of conservation-restoration: what place? what issues, what goals, in what case, why and how to newly produce all or part of a work of art? The fact of remaking or replacing is generally allowed in contemporary art, in particular when the materials that make it up become obsolete, but this practice remains insufficiently regulated and documented.


Regular creation and publication of catalogues

activities and events

Lectures, study days, encounters.

post-curricular or extracurricular activities

1 adult class and 2 children’s classes on Wednesdays

international cooperation

The establishment offers multiple possibilities for studying abroad. The exchange programmes are part of the normal student curriculum and are proposed as a priority to fourth year students. The study period in a foreign school encourages the student to expose the initial sketches of a personal project to other pedagogical and cultural contexts. The three school sites have signed bilateral Erasmus agreements for the mobility of their students and teachers and also have privileged partnerships with non-European institutions.
ERASMUS partner establishments
Non-European partner institutions

specific equipment

Engraving workshop, photo laboratories, photo studios, forge, video workshop, sound studio, “nUM” workshop for digital creation, ceramics oven, specialized equipment in conservation-restoration workshops.


ANdEA, Art Accord France, ELIA, Institut français, OFAJ Office franco-allemand pour la jeunesse.

administrative team

François Landais Directeur général de l’EPCC esba TALM
Marie-Haude Caraës Directrice site Tours, directrice adjointe Esba TALM
Brigitte Voisin Coordination pédagogique
Sylvie Delwart Chargée de l’administration et des finances
Carole Rafiou Chargée de communication
Lucie Delefosse Relations internationales
David Kidman Relations internationales – enseignant référent
Marie-Christine Linck Bibliothèque


Hélène Agofroy
Dominique Biesel
Alain Borer
Jacques Bourgeois
Marie-Hélène Breuil
Peter Briggs
Agnès Cascio
Jacques Cattelin
Sandra Delacourt
Cécile Hartmann
Christian Henry
Denis Jourdin
David Kidman
Suzanne Lafont
Hervé Manis
Marcel Molac
Miquel Mont
Frédéric Montigny
Fred Morin
Antoine Parlebas
Édouard Prulhière
Stéphanie Richard
Jean-Christophe Rouillon
Bruno Saulay
Nathalie Talec
Michèle Tolochard
Tristan Trémeau
Maximilien Wroblewski


Jardin François Ier
BP 31152
37011 | Tours cedex 1
tél. +33 (0)2 47 05 72 88
fax +33 (0)2 47 66 27 34


120 students